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Key Terminologies: MIMS 5203 - Diabetes Awareness

  • A1c = A blood test that measures a persons average blood sugar level over the past three months by measuring the amount of sugar that stuck to red blood cells during that time period.

  • Blood glucose (AKA blood sugar) = The sugar that is circulating in the blood stream and is available to the cells for fuel.

  • Carbohydrate = One of the three main nutrients we get from food and the main source of fuel for the body. Carbohydrates include fruits, vegetables, grains, pasta, milk, and other starches that the body brakes down into sugar and glucose.

  • Cholesterol = a compound of the sterol type found in most body tissues, including the blood and the nerves. Cholesterol and its derivatives are important constituents of cell membranes and precursors of other steroid compounds, but high concentrations in the blood (mainly derived from animal fats in the diet) are thought to promote atherosclerosis.

  • Insulin = a hormone produced in the pancreas by the islets of Langerhans that regulates the amount of glucose in the blood. The lack of insulin causes a form of diabetes. An animal-derived or synthetic form of insulin used to treat diabetes.

  • Pancreas = An organ of the body that produces insulin, along with other hormones that help you digest your foods. The pancreas is located near the liver.

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MIMS 5203 Diabetes Awareness
MIMS 5203 Diabetes Awareness
MIMS 5203 Diabetes Awareness
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